29 December 2011

2011 coming to an end

I can hardly believe that 2011 is over. It has flown by! 2012 is going to be a great year!
January 13th we will find out what we're having.. baby boy or baby girl.  I think it's a boy so we'll see how my 'mother's inuition' is! That weekend is also Danielle's baby shower. Then we will be in BUY BUY BUY, PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE mode! We don't have much yet, for the baby. I'm really starting to show!

Christmas was very busy! December 22nd I had a dentist appointment and after that we headed to Ark City! We hung out with Luke and Janet for a little while, before visiting with Pops and Bobs. On the 23rd we had lunch with Danielle and Pat at Neives'. That evening we went to have Christmas with my mom, Elissa, Aunt Susan and Terry. We made our own pizzas and enjoyed visiting. The 24th included more visiting with Luke and Janet then we went to The Regency Hotel to have a pool party with Pops, Bobs, Courtney, Glen, Misty, Kenny and Kolby Lee! We had an early morning on the 25th in order to see everyone. So we went to Grandpa's to see Sherry, Courtney, Glen, Aunt Debbie and Kelsey. It was really good to see them! It had been 3 years since we last saw the Mullins'. Then we went to Maize to see The Dunbars, Olsons, and Wilsons. That was a lot of fun. I believe it was the beginning of a new tradition. Then we went back to Ark City to see the rest of the Coldwell's. Dirty Santa was fun as usual! Then it was bed time! I was so exhausted! On the 26th we got up and headed back to Nebraska. It was a good trip but we were glad to be back. And now we're back and we both have colds! Tis the season!

Elissa, Belle, Terry, Mom, Me, WallE and Jeremy
This isn't the best picture that we got, but I love that WallE is sticking his tongue out! Jeremy wanted to be doing that too!
Grandpa at Christmas
Kolby isn't camera shy at all! Just let him see it and he's smiling and saying CHEEEESE!
Uncle Chris, Brian, Jeremy, Jennifer, Brenden, Jordan, Me, WallE, Aunt Lori, Aunt Susan, Uncle Mike, Aunt Shirley, Elissa, Grandma, Ryan, Grandpa and Dad

I got a promotion at work, December 1st. I'm doing the same thing, I'm also now the supervisor. I could say that this causes more stress but I think it actually relieves stress. Before I would feel like I couldn't say something just because other people had been there longer than me. I am going to start a suggestion box, just for this reason. I really want people to utilize it.

I'll keep you posted on how our Daycare hunting goes!

03 November 2011

November already!

Well all of the family knows now so I don't have to keep putting it off any longer... WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!We found out on September 28th and kept it a secret for a whole month!! I couldn't believe it either! :) We will find out what we're having around Christmas time so it'll be a nice little Christmas gift.We can HARDLY believe it! I'm so excited and I want to go buy a bunch of stuff but I know we'll have a couple baby showers plus I don't have the energy!! I don't think any stores want me to vomit on their toys either! I have been pretty nausious but only thrown up 4 times (so far!) On the weekends I'm usually okay until I eat a larger amount of food. By larger I mean less than half of what I usually eat! It's so frustrating not being able to eat much because I love to eat but when I get full I get nauseous.. I think work takes a lot of energy out of me also because I sit down and stand up all day. I've been trying to limit it but sometimes it's hard.
I've been keeping a journal about the pregnancy. Telling how many times I've been throwing up and everyone's reactions to the news. I know I won't remember it so I'm being ambitous by trying to keep a journal. Poor WallE really isn't excited about this baby. Mostly because I'm so irritable I think. Right now I just don't like him getting in my face and just standing there. I have to tell him 6 times before I push him off me. I think what I really don't like about it is that the whole time he is next to me I am tense because I don't want him to step on my stomach and so it's just annoying.

I've actually been a pretty angry person here lately (thank you hormones!). But most of the time it's just me sticking up for myself which I didn't do it the past.

A little something off subject.. Jeremy and I went to visit a church back in April or May time. It's a nice church but it just wasn't what we were looking for. We went back a couple more times but there still wasn't a spark so we stopped going. Every week that w haven't been, they come to our house.  Every Tuesday evening they come ring the doorbell. I'm going to be honest... I don't answer it. I have a few times but they aren't there to spread the Word. They are there looking for answers as to why we aren't at church. That's between me and God.. not you! They usually leave a pamphlet in the door and one time the pastor wrote on it and said "Trust you will be there tomorrow". That made me very mad but Jeremy doesn't think it's a big deal. That's because he's not the one hiding out in his own house from them! I'm not exaggerating when I say that they've been here at least 20 times! One time they came on a Saturday around noon and I was on my way home from work. Well I drove by and saw them at the door so I kept driving. Jeremy didn't even warn me! He was going to let me just drive on in to a trap! BUTT! I don't know how to get them to leave us alone. I just want to put a sign on the door that says 'GIVE IT UP!' But that seems a little unnecessary...

We got our first snow of the season on November 2nd :( It was a sad day. The snow was very pretty but it just means that it's going to be a long winter again :/

Well I've got to go figure something out for dinner. The only thing that isn't turning my stomach toward the toilet is carrots but that's not very substantial.

29 June 2011

summer so far!

Last weekend we had a very enjoyable time in Topeka with Luke and Janet. Friday night we stayed in Topeka at the Candlewood Suites.. It wasn't our dream hotel but we just needed somewhere to sleep and it was cheap! The boys headed out early to play some golf while Janet and I laid in bed for a little bit longer before going shopping!
We stopped at an acupuncture massage place in the mall... All we could say was "ouch!" We weren't really expecting that, we just wanted massages. Then some more shopping until we went and got a pedicure! Then more shopping (it sounds like we did alot of shopping but we didn't buy much) then went and got the guys from the golf course which was right by our hotel for Saturday.
Saturday we stayed at the Prairie Band Casino/Resort. Luke won a one night's stay for 4 people. The prize included $50 each off our bills (practically free after that!) and 4 free lunch buffet's! The boys were glad they had a hot tub, so we visited it a couple times. We decided that we are going to meet half way (Topeka) every year. When we move to Texas, we will have to find a new meeting place!

One thing we agreed to do is try a new restaurant each month. April we had Mark's in Dundee for Stephanie B's birthday. Jeremy had chicken lasagna (his was the best) and I had Mac-n-Cheese. It sounds funny but it had 5 different cheeses! It was good too :)
In May we had Caraba's for the rehersal dinner for Danielle and Pat's wedding. It was really good! We both really liked the appetizer salad and we both had Chicken Parm that we enjoyed (better than the Chicken Parm at the Casino/Resort!)
June's new restaurtant was the casino's restaurant Thee Fires. They had good ranch and good spinach artichoke dipe..

We might have to skip July's new restaurant since Jeremy will be in Georgia for 3 weeks for accounting school. He's such a stinker, he gets to do all the traveling while I'm stuck in Nebraska!

Happy 4th of July!!

18 June 2011


Summer has been flying by! I can't say that I've done much to enjoy the summer, yet, but I'm glad that it's not SNOWING!

On May 20, 2011 my best friend married the man of her dreams.. It was a beautiful wedding and I was so glad to be a part of it! She made a very beautiful bride!

The wedding was in Wichita so we spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. WallE had Grandma whipped into shape by the end of the weekend! All he had to do was look at her and whine and she would take him on a little walk :)  When it was time to relax and watch TV, WallE knew that Grandpa was the one to go to

Oh and happy 1st birthday Jayden Troy!! Auntie Stephie loves you very much!

Now we are dealing with the flooding going on. It's not affecting us but it's predicted to affect the base, and Jeremy has been filling sandbags. I'm not sure which is worse.. an expected flood or an unexpected flood. When Coffeyville flooded (about 10 feet) in 2006, people picked up and moved on. With expected flooding, that's all you hear about.

This weekend Jeremy is in Kansas City for Chris Williams bachelor party. I'm sure they're having a blast! All I've done is worked and mowed the lawn. I'm not going to lie... I'm enjoying not having anyone to pick up after. He'll make up for it, I'm sure!  =)

We have little birdies too! Momma bird made her nest right on our porch light. So our front door is OFF LIMITS! Momma bird doesn't like for us to even stand at the door and look outside, or she swoops down at us. Needless to say I jumped 5 feet back.... Blonde Bimbo moment!

Next weekend the plan is to meet up with Luke and Janet at the new(ish) Prairie Band Casino/Resort in Topeka. It's the perfect meeting place because it's exactly half way! The boys are going golfing, and Janet and I will find some trouble to get it!

I can't believe how old that picture is of us at the top of the blog! That's from Jeremy's basic training graduation! 2 1/2 years ago! Here is an updated picture

no, this isn't what he wore.. I had to be at the wedding earlier than he did

I had to inclue this pic because I love these shades! They have zebra stripes.. The stripes are in your vision too!

19 April 2011

quick update

There's not a whole lot to update.

We got new neighbors on Sunday. He is a military cop, not sure what she does. They have 2 dogs (german shepherd and a lab, I think) and WallE just wants to go outside and play with them... here we go again! On Sunday all he did was whine because he wanted to be outside because they were. He sure misses the old neighbor dog, Kallie!

I've been taking on some more responsibility at work. Nothing major, just being asked to do more tasks and it feels good. I hope they see potential in me! I've been learning alot about eyes too, obviously! Meibomitis = inflamation of the oil glands! Yep... :)

Jeremy's getting everything finished for the new motorcycle... he had to take a class so that he could ride it on base. He will be finished with that tomorrow.

We have been going to a new church. We like it so far. It's been an interesting journey looking for a church. Especially since we both really like Hillcrest Bible Baptist Church.

Happy Easter everyone!! Remember the reason for the season!

06 April 2011

Knee Caps

Since Jeremy leave before WallE and I are even thinking about waking up we have our routine each morning. This morning was a little bit different on WallE's part. WallE stayed in bed while I got in the shower, usually he goes into the bathroom with me or lays outside the door. Sometimes he stays in bed so I didn't think too much of it. Then when I went downstairs he didn't move, which is when my mind started racing. WallE is always at my feet, but today he stayed in bed.
Rewind: about 3 hours... WallE started whining because he needed to go potty, around 4 AM. I let him eat supper late last night so I expected the whining. So I went downstairs to let him out but he stayed at the top of the stairs. I hollered and hollered at him and he just sat there. So I stopped telling him to "come on" because I thought he wasn't coming because he thought I was mad at him. He eventually walked really slowly down the stairs and when he got outside on the porch.. he laid down! Finally he went potty and we came back inside and he walked slowly up the stairs and came back in bed and cuddled with me (cuddled/wouldn't leave my side).

Fast Forward: I called Jeremy told him that he wouldn't walk this morning. So I trapped him in the kitchen so he didn't run and jump while we were at work. Our friend Jen came and got WallE and brought him home with her so she could keep an eye on him. He was more active but awfully whiney (even for WallE!). At this point he was sort of walking, but favoring his back right leg over his left.   Jeremy called the vet and got him an appointment for 1:40. I took him, and they said that his knee caps move when he walks and it's hurting him. It's on both legs but must be worse on the left.
She said we could see if time will heal it or if surgery is needed. I opted to wait a week and see how he's doing. She said that he needs to be on strict bed rest. He can go outside to potty and that's it (WallE isn't going to be too happy about that). So far, he has slept ALL evening! He whines when he needs to go potty but won't get up to go. It hurts my heart that he is in pain!

Luckily she gave him some pain meds (not very many). So we will see how that goes. Think good thoughts for him while I do some researching and see what our next step needs to be!

19 February 2011

Don't say the DP word!

I can't believe February is almost over!
And guess how many Diet Pepsi's Jeremy has had in 2011?! ONE!! So whenever anyone is about to say those two words I stop them so he doesn't relapse :)

Yesterday I had to say "see ya later" to one of the most incredible people I've ever met. My co-worker Jesi is moving to Hawaii! Although I'm SO excited for her (and quite envious) I'm going to miss her!! She has a great personality and a contagious smile. In the 6 months that I worked with her, we've developed MANY inside jokes. She is going to be missed!

We had a great Valentine's Day! Jeremy had a dozen roses delivered to me at work. Then we watched our friends kids so they could go to dinner. This was their first Valentine's Day as a married couple and they didn't get to celebrate last year since he was deployed. We don't like the crowd, so we planned on staying home anyways. Preston and Chick made it a little bit more interesting than it would have been. :)

During this crazy winter weather I managed to break my car. I was going down our street, trying to take the curve and I ended up ontop of a snowbank. My car started making a really weird noise, immediately, so I turned it off while I called Jeremy. Then I walked back home to get the snow shovel and dug myself out right as he was pulling up to rescue me. As the week went on, my power steering worked less and less. Now I have no power steering and my muscles are growing! It's a big chunk of change to fix it so I've decided that no power steering isn't all that bad!
Maybe I'll just get rid of this car and get my Equinox :)

Happy February!

01 January 2011

Welcome 2011

2011 has finally made its way!
First we should recap December.. We left for Kansas on the 23rd after work, only to arrive at an empty house! Richard and Bobbie are moving to Texas and we are SO excited to go visit them!
Christmas Eve we went and visited the Skibbe's then went to Sherry's/Grandpa's for supper. We enjoyed the family time there and couldn't believe how big Mr. Kolby is getting!!
Then on Christmas morning we went to Bucka's to have Christmas with Richard and Bobbie. The Berg's and Courtney came over too and we had a good time! Then we ran out the door to get to Aunt Lori's house to have Christmas with The Dunbar's! We were only able to stay there for a couple hours before we had to head back to Ark City for Christmas with the Coldwell's. Dirty Santa wasn't as dirty as it was in the past but the fish was there and everyone knew it! Aunt Robin got it!
Christmas was cut short, however, because Jeremy got sick. Luckily it was just a 24 hour thing and he was back to normal the next day (well, as normal as he gets!).
Sunday we hung around the house for a while before going to Bucka's for leftovers! I'll admit it... they weren't so bad.  Then Richard and Bobbie headed down to Texas so we ran around seeing people before heading to Wendi's house to have Christmas with my mom and the girls. We had fun there but weren't there long either because we were staying the night with Luke and Janet. Then Monday everyone had to work so we headed to Augusta to see The Howards then headed back to Nebraska. We had a good trip but with Jeremy getting sick he was ready to just be home.

Now time to get ready for 2011!! I'm not making any resolutions, just wanting to better myself. I know I won't hold up to my resolution so it's silly to set myself up to fail...
I want to be more helpful this year. I would like to donate to food banks, smile someone that looks like they could use a smile and continue my education.
I did tell Jeremy that if his resolution would be to quit chewing then I would quit eating candy... that didn't go very far!

Another goal for this year for me is to get pregnant. Lately I've convinced myself that I'm not in any hurry but if we get some bills paid off, then why not. 
WallE is still as cute as ever! :)

Jeremy is hoping to get deployed this year. I won't mind as long as every room has curtains. Also my family has to promise to come visit often!

I hope that everyone has a very safe and healthy 2011! I have a feeling that it is going to be a very great year! :)