18 June 2011


Summer has been flying by! I can't say that I've done much to enjoy the summer, yet, but I'm glad that it's not SNOWING!

On May 20, 2011 my best friend married the man of her dreams.. It was a beautiful wedding and I was so glad to be a part of it! She made a very beautiful bride!

The wedding was in Wichita so we spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. WallE had Grandma whipped into shape by the end of the weekend! All he had to do was look at her and whine and she would take him on a little walk :)  When it was time to relax and watch TV, WallE knew that Grandpa was the one to go to

Oh and happy 1st birthday Jayden Troy!! Auntie Stephie loves you very much!

Now we are dealing with the flooding going on. It's not affecting us but it's predicted to affect the base, and Jeremy has been filling sandbags. I'm not sure which is worse.. an expected flood or an unexpected flood. When Coffeyville flooded (about 10 feet) in 2006, people picked up and moved on. With expected flooding, that's all you hear about.

This weekend Jeremy is in Kansas City for Chris Williams bachelor party. I'm sure they're having a blast! All I've done is worked and mowed the lawn. I'm not going to lie... I'm enjoying not having anyone to pick up after. He'll make up for it, I'm sure!  =)

We have little birdies too! Momma bird made her nest right on our porch light. So our front door is OFF LIMITS! Momma bird doesn't like for us to even stand at the door and look outside, or she swoops down at us. Needless to say I jumped 5 feet back.... Blonde Bimbo moment!

Next weekend the plan is to meet up with Luke and Janet at the new(ish) Prairie Band Casino/Resort in Topeka. It's the perfect meeting place because it's exactly half way! The boys are going golfing, and Janet and I will find some trouble to get it!

I can't believe how old that picture is of us at the top of the blog! That's from Jeremy's basic training graduation! 2 1/2 years ago! Here is an updated picture

no, this isn't what he wore.. I had to be at the wedding earlier than he did

I had to inclue this pic because I love these shades! They have zebra stripes.. The stripes are in your vision too!

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