I don't think I'm sharing all the funny things that Richie says, that I write down in my phone. I didn't start marking dates on these until recently but they have all been in the past year.
Funny things Richie says:
"Yes ma'am daddy"
He tooted in the bathroom and said "what was that?
I said "That was you"
He said "That was you momma"
Jeremy asked him what does a mouse say and his response was "Oh tootles!"
He was pretending to be sleeping in the car and was "snoring" It was really cute!
When Jeremy asks him if he needs to go potty he pipes up and says "no I'm fine" it's cute for a little kid to say that oh so convincingly.
If he potties in his pants I tell him that he should potty in the toilet and he says "Sorry momma. My fault."
In the car I asked him to put his straw back in his cup and he said "I can't right now".
He dumped out his backpack and there was candy in there. He was telling me about the candy and I asked him where he got it. He said "Lissa" (Elissa). He definitely pulled that out of thin air, because he didn't get candy from my sister!
At church Richard is the music leader so one afternoon we were attempting to let Richie sit with us (first time). He grabbed his hymnal and yelled to Richard "READY!"
Jeremy was trying to get Richie to settle down and do something but Richie just wasn't settling down so Jeremy lightly thumped him on the head. Richie returned the gesture.
After his bath one night he went and got his guitar instead of his PJ's and played the guitar naked
When WallE gets into the trash I yell at him (all I say is WallE!) and Richie replies with "It's fine momma". Thank you son
We were driving by Bone Daddy's to go eat and he pointed at Bone Daddy's (In Grapevine) and said he wanted to eat there. I told him no and he said "Don't tell me no momma."
He hates tags in his shirts and he came to me before school telling me that he has a tag. I said "Who put that there?" "Grandma Karen"
The day before we were taking WallE to the vet and groomer Richie kept saying that WallE was going to get his hand cut off
WallE was whining at me and Richie said "What are you saying? Now go make me a sandwich!"
We are careful about what we watch on TV while Richie is in the room, but the B word came across the TV. Jeremy and I looked at each other with hopeful looks and without missing a beat Richie turned around and said "Rich! That's my name!" Whew! Dodged a bullet!
Richie told Matt that Jessica is beautiful and she said thank you. He swiped his hand in front of him and said "It was nothin"
He told Jeremy that he licks the door like a pineapple. What?!
At a restaurant there was a little bit of sour cream and he thought it was ice cream so we let him think that. He went in face first and took a big lick out of it.
He loves to hide the remote from Jeremy when he gets up from the couch.
On 11-16-15 He read/identified his first word! It popped up on the TV and Wallykazam hadn't read it yet, but Richie said it… Popcorn!
I sent him to bed because we had already read a book on the couch and his lamp was already on in his room. He went up to his room then came back and said "uh mom you forgot to pray."
Richie- Spongebob is coming on next!
Me- You're not watching Spongebob. You've never watched it.
Richie- Yeah! You let me watch it after school, member?
(He's never watched spongebob, especially after school because he would've been TWO!)
We picked Richard and Bobbie up at the airport and Richie was playing "I Spy" with Bobbie in the car. She spied something pink. So instead of guessing my pink shirt and letting her answer yes or no, he kept guessing and said "momma's nipples"
Jeremy told Richie "Let's call my mom and tell her thank you" (for his presents). When she answered he said "Thank you daddy's mom"
Jeremy has taught Richie that when the Star Spangled Banner plays you stop what you're doing and put your hand on your heart. It started playing before a football game and even though he was butt-naked from just getting out of the bath, he stood up and put his hand on his heart. That was quite the scene to walk into the living room to.
We were waiting for our food at Sonic and he was playing around in the car, he saw himself in the rear view mirror and said "Looking good you"
He came up to my room and I asked him if he at all of his lunch. He looked at me and said "I better go now" That's a no!
About a month or two ago we were at a friends house and their 2 1/2 year old doesn't talk real well and he's pretty naughty (tells his parents no, bites Richie). When his dad went to check on them he was doing something naughty and got in trouble. Richie came right to me and told me that Talon wasn't being naughty and set the story straight about what Bruce saw Talon doing. He, as a 3 year old, had enough integrity to tell the truth so that Talon didn't get in trouble for something that he wasn't really doing. That's more integrity than most adults have! Talon wouldn't have done that if the shoe was on the other foot. It made me very proud of him! I hope he continues to have integrity because that will go a long way.
Richie- Are you turning on my movie momma?
Me- Yeah
Richie- You're a genius momma!
Me- What can I say!
Richie- Thank you?
Yes, I suppose I should've said thank you after being called a genius for turning on the T.V.
He was spelling his name…
Try again son…
Try again tomorrow son...
We were in the living room just hanging out one night and he said "Mom smell the room". There's only one reason that a Coldwell boy tells you to smell the room… He wanted me to smell his toot.
He stacked up some eggs and said "Look mom! It's the lean in tower of Cheeza!" (From A Goofy Movie)
They were playing red light, green light at soccer practice and the coach asked what green light means, what red light means and what yellow light means. When answering what yellow light means Richie yelled "GO FASTER!"
On our way to the doctor (OB appt) Richie didn't think that Jeremy was driving to his pull potential. He said "Dad do you want to go to the doctor or not? Then you better get the show on the road! I'm going to block your knock off!"He is constantly telling us how to drive and how to get him… at THREE YEARS OLD! He's a threenager for sure!
He also had his first dentist appointment today! He did great! He didn't like her brushing his teeth but he doesn't like it at home either so I wasn't surprised. For some reason he kept his hands up by his head during the whole appointment.
We want to keep the memories of funny things that Richie says or does! I also use this blog for meal planning!
22 March 2016
08 February 2016
Picture update
I've come to the point that my phone won't take any more pictures! I guess 631 is its limit. So I'm emptying my phone!
We went to Bass Pro to see Santa!
Richie and I made a snowman for "Pin the Nose on the Snowman" for the work Christmas party!
I hope this video works, it's Richie singing at church :)
Singing at church makes a boy tired!
Playing with Popeye on Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas! (Actually that game broke today)
We were giggling because Momma and Daddy forgot one of Richie's gifts in the trunk! It was Christmas night and we realized there was no trampoline!
14 weeks pregnant 12-15-15
He loves playing hopscotch!
18 weeks pregnant
A concert in my living room!
Snow angels!
Our little angel! 20 weeks (1-28-16)
Daddy has taught Richie that we put our hand on our heart during the National Anthem. He had both hands on it in this picture :)
21 weeks pregnant! :)
21 January 2016
Oscar nominees
Todays American offense is that all the Oscar nominees are white. So black actors and actresses are upset about it. The Oscar nominations are made by filmmakers… 6,000 of them. If 6,000 people got together and said "let's vote for only white people" we would know about it within the hour!
Stacey Dash does talk about how we either integrate or we segregate. She says we need to get rid of BET and the BET awards. I've been saying that since I was a teenager! All of the sudden it's fair that the BET awards only award black people but it's not fair that 6,000 people happened to vote for only white people?!
How many people voted for Obama ONLY BECAUSE he's "black"? A lot. I can promise you that. A friend of mine that's black voted for Obama for that reason and he doesn't believe in anything that Obama does. He didn't bother to look into that though. We thought we would just make history by having a "black" president and everything else would be okay?
I'm putting the work black in quotation marks when I talk about him because he's not only black. Black people don't think it's fair that they are identified as black when they have black and white parents, or mixed parents, if you will. Yet when it comes to situations like this they're black and nothing else matters.
When black people do things everyone is expected to just let it be okay (BET channel), but if white people did the same things there are MAJOR actions taken! The confederate flag can no longer fly on government property because someone got an itch one day and took major action in order to get it down. However, most people don't even know the true meaning behind that flag. They think because it was around during a time of segregation and slavery then it represents segregation and slavery.
We have come a long way from slavery but it hasn't ended yet. There's sex slavery, but I guess that doesn't matter. Human trafficking is slavery. So why do people only care about the times when black people were slaves? I guess the people that are being forced to have sex and not being taken care of don't matter.
Instead America is being offended by something new EVERY SINGLE DAY! We could take this anger and put it somewhere that will do some good. I just read a story about a woman giving birth, had a birth plan all worked out with her doctor but instead she was HELD DOWN on the bed and the baby was being forced (by the nurses hand) to stay in the mom's vagina until the doctor got in the room to catch it. Where's the outrage over that? Where's the outrage over the fact that "Obamacare" has made healthcare unaffordable by everyone? Everyone might be able to attain healthcare, but no one can afford it, unless you're a part of Obamacare.
I have a $5,000 deductible and I'm pregnant. Think about $5,000. We have a family, we have cars, we have bills, and then I have to add a bunch of doctors to my bills. I went to the ER because of severe stomach pain in August. I never got a room, I was treated in the HALLWAY for the entire 6 hours that I was there. I was never offered something to eat. I was never offered a room. I also got NO ANSWERS. They don't know what was hurting me for an hour, yet I had an MRI scan and 3 different doctors came by to "check on me". So I was billed for 3 doctors, I was billed for an MRI, a pregnancy test, a couple other tests and of course taking up space in the hallway. The MRI is through a different "office" in the hospital so I got billed separately for that. So instead of making payments to one office, I'm making payments to 2 offices. Now that I'm pregnant, I'm being billed by 3 offices! Yet… healthcare is affordable.
Let me put this out there…. I DON'T FEEL BAD FOR ACTORS AND ACTRESSES!!! I don't feel bad for any of them. There are exceptions… I would feel bad for an actress and her family if they had a miscarriage or if they were in a car accident and hurt or worse. Without giving it a ton of thought, that's about where my sympathy ends for famous people. They have tons of money, they get to travel all over, they start dating someone and within months they're married (no I don't feel bad for them when they get a divorce) and they are treated like royalty just because they can get behind a camera and act.
The only famous people that get my respect are the ones that do good with their fame and fortune.. Tim Tebow didn't back down from praying on the field when he was told to stop, JJ Watt does a lot with his fame and fortune, and Sandra Bullock is another great example. Famous people that go on Good Morning America and say "I'm not going to the Oscar's because no black people were nominated" are ridiculous and need to get over themselves. The filmmaker with ugly glasses that was on there yesterday is holding a grudge from 1989. Yes, you read that right. Because Driving Miss Daisy was either nominated or won the award instead of his film. GET A LIFE! WHO CARES!! How about you get on there and say that many years ago, black people wouldn't be making films or acting but because of how far this great nation has come you are sitting on that stage, grateful for all the actions taken, by blacks and whites, in order to end slavery and get us to where we are now!
Stacey Dash does talk about how we either integrate or we segregate. She says we need to get rid of BET and the BET awards. I've been saying that since I was a teenager! All of the sudden it's fair that the BET awards only award black people but it's not fair that 6,000 people happened to vote for only white people?!
How many people voted for Obama ONLY BECAUSE he's "black"? A lot. I can promise you that. A friend of mine that's black voted for Obama for that reason and he doesn't believe in anything that Obama does. He didn't bother to look into that though. We thought we would just make history by having a "black" president and everything else would be okay?
I'm putting the work black in quotation marks when I talk about him because he's not only black. Black people don't think it's fair that they are identified as black when they have black and white parents, or mixed parents, if you will. Yet when it comes to situations like this they're black and nothing else matters.
When black people do things everyone is expected to just let it be okay (BET channel), but if white people did the same things there are MAJOR actions taken! The confederate flag can no longer fly on government property because someone got an itch one day and took major action in order to get it down. However, most people don't even know the true meaning behind that flag. They think because it was around during a time of segregation and slavery then it represents segregation and slavery.
We have come a long way from slavery but it hasn't ended yet. There's sex slavery, but I guess that doesn't matter. Human trafficking is slavery. So why do people only care about the times when black people were slaves? I guess the people that are being forced to have sex and not being taken care of don't matter.
Instead America is being offended by something new EVERY SINGLE DAY! We could take this anger and put it somewhere that will do some good. I just read a story about a woman giving birth, had a birth plan all worked out with her doctor but instead she was HELD DOWN on the bed and the baby was being forced (by the nurses hand) to stay in the mom's vagina until the doctor got in the room to catch it. Where's the outrage over that? Where's the outrage over the fact that "Obamacare" has made healthcare unaffordable by everyone? Everyone might be able to attain healthcare, but no one can afford it, unless you're a part of Obamacare.
I have a $5,000 deductible and I'm pregnant. Think about $5,000. We have a family, we have cars, we have bills, and then I have to add a bunch of doctors to my bills. I went to the ER because of severe stomach pain in August. I never got a room, I was treated in the HALLWAY for the entire 6 hours that I was there. I was never offered something to eat. I was never offered a room. I also got NO ANSWERS. They don't know what was hurting me for an hour, yet I had an MRI scan and 3 different doctors came by to "check on me". So I was billed for 3 doctors, I was billed for an MRI, a pregnancy test, a couple other tests and of course taking up space in the hallway. The MRI is through a different "office" in the hospital so I got billed separately for that. So instead of making payments to one office, I'm making payments to 2 offices. Now that I'm pregnant, I'm being billed by 3 offices! Yet… healthcare is affordable.
Let me put this out there…. I DON'T FEEL BAD FOR ACTORS AND ACTRESSES!!! I don't feel bad for any of them. There are exceptions… I would feel bad for an actress and her family if they had a miscarriage or if they were in a car accident and hurt or worse. Without giving it a ton of thought, that's about where my sympathy ends for famous people. They have tons of money, they get to travel all over, they start dating someone and within months they're married (no I don't feel bad for them when they get a divorce) and they are treated like royalty just because they can get behind a camera and act.
The only famous people that get my respect are the ones that do good with their fame and fortune.. Tim Tebow didn't back down from praying on the field when he was told to stop, JJ Watt does a lot with his fame and fortune, and Sandra Bullock is another great example. Famous people that go on Good Morning America and say "I'm not going to the Oscar's because no black people were nominated" are ridiculous and need to get over themselves. The filmmaker with ugly glasses that was on there yesterday is holding a grudge from 1989. Yes, you read that right. Because Driving Miss Daisy was either nominated or won the award instead of his film. GET A LIFE! WHO CARES!! How about you get on there and say that many years ago, black people wouldn't be making films or acting but because of how far this great nation has come you are sitting on that stage, grateful for all the actions taken, by blacks and whites, in order to end slavery and get us to where we are now!
20 January 2016
Getting back on track
We found out in October that we're pregnant!!!! I wanted this for so long! I prayed and prayed and cried and cried about it. Each time I cried, it was followed up by a prayer and each time I was being told "not yet". I knew we had just moved and we were getting situated and there were lots of things that I still wanted to get done around the house/yard so I said "Game on. I'll get all my stuff done and then we'll see if it's time yet." And it was! :) It's amazing what happens when you actually listen to God and follow His plan instead of mine!
For the first trimester I couldn't eat more than what I could fit on my pinky without getting extremely full. I also couldn't stand the smell of food. It was terrible! Which meant I fell off my Trim Healthy Mama eating schedule. Now that I'm feeling better I think it's time to start up again. There is a different way of eating since I am pregnant. However I need to see if this ends my tired spells, or if it's the baby making me tired. Every day after lunch I just get really tired and I can't keep taking naps with a 3 1/2 year old at home. Besides that I know that Jeremy needs to be eating better than what I have been feeding him.
Today is Wednesday, I'll go to the store tomorrow and then start up on Friday.
Breakfast- Eggs and sausage (S)
Supper- cheeseburgers (S)
Breakfast- Raspberry Lemonade Cake leftovers (E)
Lunch- We won't be home for lunch
Supper- I'm not sure if we'll be home for supper either
Breakfast- Cinnamon Muffins (pg 262) (S)
Breakfast- Cinnamon Muffins leftovers (S)
Lunch- Taquito leftovers (S)
Breakfast- Yogurt with an apple (E)
Lunch- Tomatillo Ranch chicken Leftovers (S)
Supper- Broccoli and Cheese Soup (S) (page 335)
Breakfast- Yogurt with an apple (E)
Lunch- Broccoli and Cheese Soup leftovers (S)
Breakfast- eggs and sausage (S)
Lunch- Taco Bake leftovers (S)
Supper- Brown Rice, Chicken and green beans (E)
Breakfast- Raspberry Lemonade Cake (again) (E)
Supper- Moist Garlic Cheddar Chicken (in my notebook)
Breakfast- Raspberry Lemonade Cake leftovers (E)
Lunch- Tacos (S)
Breakfast- Yogurt with an apple (E)
Breakfast- Eggs and sausage (S)
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