29 April 2012


Wow! April has really brought some changes! I'll just start from the beginning..
I believe it was March 8th when we found out that Jeremy is being deployed. We had the 27th in mind as his leave date.
Sherry came to visit on the 1st for a couple days. We had a doctors appointment on April 4th, everything is going good! Then we really got our butts in gear to get Jeremy ready to leave. He took leave from the 11th through the 18th. He did some golfing and got stuff marked off his to-do list, given to him by me.
On April 11th my work threw me a baby shower. It was great! We got so much stuff and even got stuff that we didn't think about! They all pitched in and got us a high chair too! We love it! That was really really nice of them! It's times like those that make the stressful days bearable. I could easily quit and go work somewhere for more money but I wouldn't get that close, family feeling like I have there. Everyone is understanding and helps each other out. I know how lucky I am to have these ladies (and Stuart) as coworkers.

Friday the 13th- we toured Bellevue Medical Center. We found out that in order to Skype the birth we just have to bring our own device (laptop or iPad) to use. The hospital is really nice, we know we will be in good hands.

On Thursday the 19th we found out that Jeremy leaves MONDAY! All tears aside.. It's time to buck up and deal with it. We had another doctors appointment on the 20th. Everything is still going great! We asked questions about inducing and they said they don't like to induce but if it's after the 24th and my cervix has started thinning then we can talk about it. Ugh! That wasn't what I wanted to hear but it's not that big of a deal. After we got home we just waited for Luke and Janet to arrive! I was really glad they came up, it kept my mind off of the sadness. We always have a great time with them! Janet and I went for pedicures while the boys went golfing. Then Janet and I did a little shopping and found my newest guilty pleasure.. Orange Leaf!! It's the best frozen yogurt ever!

Then comes the dreaded MONDAY. Jeremy and I just hung out and talked. We both hated this feeling but knew that the sooner he leaves, the sooner he comes back! Eddie, Brittney, Chris and us all rode to the airport together. Their flight was delayed but we were able to go past security and sit with them until they left. It was a sad goodbye. I tried everything to keep Jeremy there. I threatened to push him down the stairs, break his leg or even fake my water breaking. He wasn't going for any of my ideas so I let him get on the plane.

Of course the next day I ended up tripping. I landed on my hip but still went in to Labor & Delivery to get checked out. Jessica (my neighbor) went with me, bless her heart. She's so sweet. Everything was fine but protocol is to keep me there until 4 hours after the fall so we ended up leaving at 12:30 am!

All of Jeremy's flights were delayed but after all that with no sleep he made it to his final destination on Thursday night/early Friday morning our time. He is 9 hours ahead of us. He had his first shift yesterday. Sounds like its slow there but I think he'll live.

WallE has seen/heard him on FaceTime (it's like Skype but only for apple products). It's so cute to see WallE respond to Jeremy saying his name. He sure does miss his daddy!

Baby Richards room is all ready so now we sit and wait for this hiccup-filled baby to arrive!

March 30, 2012

April 4, 2012

April 14, 2012

April 19, 2012
(I'm wearing a 'belly band'. I wear them under my scrubs to make it look like a tank top so my belly isn't hanging out underneath of my shirt)

April 27th (ever since Jeremy left baby Richard has been all about my right side, can you tell?)

WallE is laying his head on momma's belly :) He's ready for him to be here too!

WallE is ready for Richie to get here for other reasons... for example so that he can play with his toys!! That sock monkey was upstairs in Richie's room. WallE brought it downstairs and upstairs twice. He's such a turd!

I know that he doesn't need any more clothes but this is one that HAD to be gotten! Jeremy's dad call's Jeremy 'Big Man' so this was just perfect! It's size 6 months so he'll be wearing it when daddy gets back home :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't you look cute! Baby is growing! You're going to be a fabulous momma! I'm so proud of you for how you're handling all of this. Love you lots and can't wait to meet this little man!


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